Mire Zloh
Emeritus Professor
University of Hertfordshire
United Kingdom
Prof. Mire Zloh graduated in Physical Chemistry from the University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in 1987. He was then awarded an MSc in Physical Chemistry from the same university in 1992. His research in structural biology resulted in a PhD in Chemistry from the University of London in 1998 with a thesis entitled "Conformational Studies of the High Affinity IgE Receptor Peptides and Domains by NMR and Molecular Modelling". He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistryand he is a member of Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society, Serbian Chemical Society and Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia. Prof. Zloh was serving as a membership secretary for the now defunct RSC Molecular Modelling interest group.Mire Zloh is Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Hertfordshire. He was the Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Department of Pharmacy from January 2013 and Research Professor within the Centre for Health Services and Clinical Research from September 2015 until September 2017. Prior to his present position was Senior Lecturer at the UCL School of Pharmacy and was responsible for the integrated structural chemistry service that provides NMR, MS and CHN analysis to internal and external users. He was an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade for the Clinical Chemistry Instrumentation course before moving to London. From 2002 to 2003, he was a tutor counsellor for the Open University. Prof. Zloh was Deputy Director on the MSc Course in Drug Discovery at UCL School of Pharmacy.
Research Interest
Basic Life Sciences